20 Quotes Bertema ‘Independence Day’ Indonesia, Meriahkan HUT ke-77 Proklamasi

15 Agustus 2022, 05:32 WIB
Kumpulan 20 quotes bertema ‘Independence Day’ Indonesia./We Wishes./ /

PORTAL SULUT – Inilah kumpulan 20 quotes bertema ‘Independence Day’ atau hari kemerdekaan Indonesia ke-77.

Pada 17 Agustus 2022 nanti, seluruh rakyat Indonesia akan merayakan hari kemerdekaan ke-77.

Kegembiraan merayakan dan memeriahkan HUT ke-77 Proklamasi ini, bisa saling mengirim ungkapan ataupun quotes bertema ‘Independence Day’.

Baca Juga: Paling Trending! 25 Link Twibbon HUT ke 77 Kemerdekaan Indonesia, Meriahkan 17 Agustus 2022

Di dalam artikel ini tersedia kumpulan 20 quotes dengan tema ‘Independence Day’ atau hari kemerdekaan Indonesia ke-77.

Seperti diketahui, peringatan HUT ke-77 kemerdekaan Indonesia yang puncaknya pada 17 Agustus 2022, pemerintah telah menetapkan tema “Pulih Lebih Cepat, Bangkit Lebih Kuat”.

Berbagai kegiatan sudah dan sedang dilaksanakan oleh seluruh rakyat Indonesia di berbagai pelosok Tanah Air, untuk memeriahkan HUT ke-77 kemerdekaan.

Di antaranya pemasangan bendera Merah-Putih di setiap rumah, kantor, tempat ibadah, hingga pusat-pusat perbelanjaan sejak tanggal 1 Agustus 2022 dalam rangka ‘Independence Day’ atau hari kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Kemeriahan HUT ke-77 kemerdekaan Indonesia inipun dapat dilakukan dengan memasang status berupa quotes dengan tema ‘Independence Day’ di akun medsos.

Bisa juga saling berkirim quotes dengan kerabat, keluarga atau teman karena tidak sempat memeriahkan dan merayakan bersama HUT ke-77 kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Berikut 20 quotes menarik dan penuh makna di HUT ke-77 Proklamasi Indonesia atau ‘Independence Day’ 17 Agustus 2022, seperti dikutip PortalSulut.Pikiran-Rakyat.com dari We Wishes:


1. “One Nation, One Vision, One Identity…No nation is perfect, it has to be made so. Happy Independence Day Indonesia.”

2. “Today is a Day to celebrate and to cheer, 17th August is finally here! United We All Stand, Happy Independence Day To You All.”

3. “Today, Every citizen regardless of language or ethnicity comes together to pay tribute to our national heroes. Happy Independence Day Indonesia. Forward Ever!”

4. “Indonesia holds a very prestigious position on the world map. Let us all pledge to take our dear country to new heights. Happy Independence Day!”

5. “May hope, peace and tranquility reside in your household today and every day. Happy Independence Day!”

6. “The future depends on what you do today! Happy Independence Day!”

7. “Just like our Flag, I pray you soar higher in whatever you do. Happy Independence Day!”

8. “Our life is full of Colors …I hope this August 17th will add more colors to your life. Happy Independence Day.”

Baca Juga: Koleksi 18 Kutipan HUT ke-77 Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia, Ideal untuk Status Medsos

9. “Join the train of unity, fight against corruption and keep flying the flag of our dear nation high! Happy Independence Day!”

10. “The future depends on what you do today! Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!”

11. “As we celebrate the free spirit of Indonesia, may this independence day bring you and your household peace, joy and love. Happy Independence Day!”

12. “Let us all come together to help our glorious nation move forward. Happy Independence Day!”

13. “Indonesia; Born out of Selfless Sacrifice, coated with Pride, dipped in Unity and Soaring in Glory, I am proud to be a Indonesia.”

14. “Freedom isn’t Free, Today we remember and honour those who left us this great legacy. Happy Independence Day to you, Indonesia!

15. “United we stand, Divided we fall! Let’s all renew our pledge to unitedly protect our nation from external control. Happy Independence Day!”

16. “We keep Indonesia independent and progressive by being responsible citizens. The least we can do is to vote during every election for the right candidates irrespective of their language, tribe or religion. Happy Independence Day.”

17. “On this day, let us reflect on our past, cherish our present and work towards building a better future for all of us. We are duty bound to do so as citizens. Happy Independence Day To You.”

18. “On This Great Day of Heroic Reflections, Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You, Ask What You Can Do For Your Country. Happy Independence Day Dear Comrades!”

19. “Freedom in our mind, faith in our words, pride in our heart and memories in our soul. Let us all salute the nation on this patriotic day, Happy Independence Day to you and your family.”

20. “Feel the pride of being part of this Glorious Nation, Here’s my warm patriotic wishes to make this day truly memorable. Happy Independence Day To You!”***

Editor: Harry Tri Atmojo


