Move On, Felicia Tissue Beri Ucapan Hari Kartini dan Unggah Foto Cantik

- 21 April 2021, 14:46 WIB
Felicia Tissue
Felicia Tissue /

PORTAL SULUT – Felicia Tissue dalam beberapa hari terakhir, mulai menunjukkan kalau dirinya sudah bisa move on usai diputus oleh Kaesang Pangarep.

Terbaru, ia menyampaikan ucapan Selamat Hari Kartini 2021 melalui akun Instagramnya.

Unggahannya berupa catatan tentang Raden Ajen Kartini. Ia juga menyertai postingannya tersebut dengan dua foto cantik dirinya.

Baca Juga: Papa Chandra Lihat Elsa dan Ricky di Hotel, Andin dan Mama Rosa Curigai Al, Trailer Ikatan Cinta 21 April 2021

Di foto itu Felicia terlihat tampil casual, mengenakan blus kebaya brokat warna putih dipadu celana panjang jins warna biru.

Selamat Hari Kartini ????

I’ve read Raden Adjeng Kartini’s biography. She empowered & influence women to deviate from the norm, to see the wider & deeper potential that women can do - To be literate.

Her legacy runs down in history merely because she has a heart, mind and deep rooted beliefs that a change has to be made for the betterment of the future.

Inspired by her, I realised that; we can listen to others, but don’t lose your own voice. Hold firm on your beliefs. Keep taking up space & push the boundaries because there is more than plenty of room in this world for you to shine. One small effort, accumulates & may lead to a great impact.


Editor: Harry Tri Atmojo


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